I think the Philippines should be renamed Paradise. Over 7000 islands, perfect weather, nice people.. I could definitely get used to this. Our first couple of days were spent with Hbf's college friend, who I'll call Pea. She lives on the island of Davao and is studying to be a nurse for prolly 1/4 of the price it would cost in the states. While she was in school, we spent 2 relaxing days at a place called Paradise Island (I'm not making this up). It was perfect.. White sand beach, warm, clear water, delicious food and even a towel swan upon arrival! There were crab races, a mariachi band with excellent harmony skills and LOTS of BBQ chicken. Hbf and I thoroughly enjoyed our time at Paradise, but we were excited to get back to the main island to hang out with Pea. Her uncle is the grand poobah of cock fighting, and it's the national past time (and Hbf was dying to see one), so I was coerced into attending a real cock fight. I did my best to protest politely because I hate seeing animals fight or die for human entertainment, but I was outnumbered.
I found myself at the cock fight and did my best to close my eyes when they fought, but there was no ignoring the ripped out feathers in the ring and occasionally I would glimpse the losing bird being taken away.. Needless to say, I don't think I would do that again.
After a great day hanging out with Pea, we headed to Bohol island. Yesterday we spent the day sun bathing and snorkeling off the shore. If you swim out about 100 yards, there's a cliff of coral where you can look down into the abyss and all you see is fish. Pretty amazing. After an awesome day of activities, we headed home and relaxed for a bit before I started complaining that my skin felt a little bit.. Burny. Sure enough, I am burnt to a crisp and will be staying out of the sun for the next few days, if that's even possible. Hbf is having an 'old man' moment and can't move his stiff neck more than 2 degrees either way. Apparently laying on the beach and snorkeling for an hour is just too much action for him. We're both recuperating by looking for jobs via the internet, with depressing results. Other than that, the Philippines is totally sweet. Once my skin blisters and peels off, I'll be right back out there in paradise!
Wow.... that sounds amazing! I'm so jealous! We'll have to plan a vacation to the Philippines together, so that you two can show Hannes and I this so called "Paradise".