Hbf and I found ourselves in Mui Ne, a beach city that is world famous for its kite surfing. Hbf has wanted to try it since he laid eyes on the sport, but it was sort of a new thought for me. I figured I would give it a shot since we were in the right place. My instructor was named Hi and was tiny vietnamese man who had no qualms about yelling at me when I did something wrong.
Day 1
For the first 30 minutes Hi had me practice with a trainer kite, aka a normal kite, so I could figure out how to control it. I've flown a kite maybe once in my life (sad, I know) but I thought I had the hang of it when the time was up. Next, it was time to move onto the kite that is actually used for kite surfing. That kite was 5 x bigger and had to be inflated. The wind was very strong, so Hi thought it best for me to sit down and learn so I didn't blow off the beach when I messed up. Even sitting, Hi held onto my harness in the back and the kite still picked me up during some of the moves. I started to get a little nervous after getting a feel for the power that the kite had. In the beginning, I constantly did the wrong thing and Hi would yell, 'You have to control the kite!' and then grab it from me before it yanked me out to sea. 90 minutes later, I had gotten a pretty good grasp on the controls and Hi only yelled at my about every 5 minutes. Progress. Hbf had a different instructor. While I was still on the beach with my kite, he had made it to the next step which was flying the kite in the water. I tried not to take it hard that he was better than me already, but it burned a bit. Hi decided that tomorrow would be better for me in the water because the wind was too strong in the afternoon. Fine by me.
Day 2
I actually got to enter the water, but no board yet. The waves were huge, and Hi controlled the kite while we attempted to make it past the huge surf. Waves crashed right on our heads, over and over. I clung desperately to Hi, Hi held on to the kite, and the kite dragged us out past the vicious waves. I was tempted to call it a day when I had drank about a gallon of salt water, but it had only been 10 minutes. The lesson must go on. Hi taught me how to body drag, which means that you let the kite drag you all around the ocean. This is in case you lose your board, you know how to retrieve it. He demonstrated, and then I did it with him hanging on to me. It went well, at first. Then, all of a sudden, a huge gust of wind grabbed my kite, and me along with it. Hi tried to hold on, but the kite yanked me out of the water and threw me like 5 feet. I heard Hi yell from behind me, 'You have to control the kite!' Yeah, yeah.. I finally got to the point where I could be in the water by myself, controlling the kite and not crashing it very often. I was pretty proud of myself, until I saw Hbf. He was already trying to get up on the board. *sigh*
Day 3
I actually get to try with the board today, but not by myself. Hi is with me, hanging on, which is makes it really tough to stay up for longer than 3 seconds. Each time I get up though, and I'm exstatic for those 3 seconds, before I fall and Hi yells 'You need to control the kite!'. I'm just getting semi-comfortable on my good side, when Hi tells me I need to work on my other side. So, I try the other side and the kite yanks me hard out of the water and then promptly crashes. Hard. 'You need to control the kite!' and then, 'You broke the kite'. Sure enough, I look over at the kite and it is a sad little deflated heap, rolling in the ocean waves. Apparently, breaking a kite ends the lesson. But a new lesson began called 'how to swim back to the shore with a broken kite and a kite board.' Basically that lesson involved me using the board as a flotation device while Hi dealt with the deflated kite. Even so, it took me about 20 minutes of hard swimming to make it back to shore. Hi made it back shortly after me, and gave me the good news that the kite didn't have a tear, the vent just popped open. Good, I won't have to pay $1000 after all. Hi told me that I probably needed more lessons (shocking!), but I was pretty pooped and we were leaving the next day. Oh well...
All in all, I had a good time. I will have another chance at kite boarding in the Philippines, if I want it. I haven't decided yet..